Mission, Vision and Values

Mission Statement

The Mission of the First Odessa Christian Academy is to boldly teach Biblical truth, Christian character, and rigorous academic curriculum in a safe and nurturing learning environment.

Vision Statement

The Vision of First Odessa Christian Academy is to produce
academically-excellent students with a sound Biblical worldview to impact their community for Christ.

Belief in Jesus Christ

Our faith in Christ guides every step of the journey.

Academic Excellence

Academic excellence to reach each student’s full potential.

Honorable Conduct

Acting with integrity and respect in all situations.

Servant Leadership

Leading with compassion, always putting others first.

Core Family Values

All members of the board, administration and staff of First Odessa Christian Academy believe that the Bible is the Word of God and without error in all its teachings. Because of our understanding of the Old and New Testaments, our school teaches these Core Family Values:


That it is unacceptable for Christians to teach hatred towards any group or individual.


That human life begins at conception and that an unborn child at any stage of development is fully human and should be treated as such.


That extramarital sexual intimacy, heterosexual or homosexual, is morally and Biblically wrong.


That marriage is anexclusively heterosexual institution involving one man and one woman.

Christian Perspective of Education

A traditional public education centers around a worldly view and the student’s intellectual, physical, and sometimes social
wellbeing. A Christian education at FOCA centers around a Biblical worldview. God, His principals and precepts found in the
Bible, guide all that we believe and teach. 

This allows us to develop not only the intellectual, physical, and emotional (social) aspects of a student, but adds the piece missing from a worldly view – the spiritual piece. In Mark 12:30 Jesus tells us, “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. 

The mind is your intellect, your strength the physical, the heart is the social/emotional, and your soul is the everlasting spiritual piece the worldly view will not address. We believe it takes all four parts to fully and rightly educate a student. 

To have a Christian education at FOCA means that we will focus on high academic standards in all classes, while infusing Biblical principal and teaching into everything we do. Prayer is practiced and encouraged. Bible classes happen every day, in every class. Education will change a life. Belief in Jesus will change a forever.